ÇEVKO Foundation ”Green Dot Industry Awards" applications are starting - Big Pazarlama

ÇEVKO Foundation ”Green Dot Industry Awards" applications are starting

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  • ÇEVKO Foundation ”Green Dot Industry Awards" applications are starting
ÇEVKO Foundation ”Green Dot Industry Awards" applications are starting

ÇEVKO Foundation ”Green Dot Industry Awards" applications are starting

ÇEVKO Foundation ”Green Dot Industry Awards" applications are starting

Friday May 27, 2022 will be the 6th time this year that the application process for the awards will be held.

The application process for the Green Dot Industry Awards organized by ÇEVKO Foundation (Environmental Protection and Packaging Waste Assessment Foundation) for the sixth time this year has started. The ÇEVKO Foundation Green Dot Industry Awards, which are open to the participation of companies with a Green Dot Brand Sub-License Agreement in Turkey, aim to encourage the contributions of industrial organizations to environmental sustainability.

ÇEVKO Foundation is the sole representative in Turkey and the majority of EU member in 31 countries, covering 540 million consumers, the brand of green dot, Extended Producer Responsibility Model çevko Mete Imer secretary that took place between instances of the application most successful, the green dot represents the responsibility of the consumer and the manufacturer responsible for respect and appreciation. In sustainable environmental recovery studies, we aim to encourage and encourage all companies that are in a position to launch similar studies while at the same time rewarding the case studies that their organizations that meet the specified criteria at the highest rate perform beyond their legal responsibilities,”he said.

The Green Dot Awards, which are open to the participation of all companies with a Green Dot Brand Sub-License Agreement, are held in the categories of Waste Management System and Practices, Prevention Practices in Packaging and Social Responsibility Practices on the Environment.

May March 1st – May 27th, 2022, the applications for the year 2022, which will be received through the website, will be held; Awards will be given in 2 separate classes: Small and Medium-Sized Business and Large-Dec Business.

The Green Dot Award in the previous years in the process Industry are the companies who are eligible to receive the award: Abdi Ibrahim, Akçansa, Anadolu Efes, Bayer, Boyner, Coca-Cola, Eczacıbaşı, Danone Hayat, Frito Lay, Hidropar, Korozo Packaging, if you're a wolf, Drugs, Mey/Diageo, Mondi tire kutsan, Nestlé Waters, PepsiCo Turkey, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser, Sarten Ambalaj, Sisecam, taste Food, Tetra Pak, Tofas, Unilever and Vestel white goods. 

The only representative of the Green Dot brand in Turkey is the ÇEVKO Foundation 

ÇEVKO Foundation is the sole owner of the right to use the international brand “Yeşil Dot” in Turkey within the scope of its contract with PRO-Europe in 2003. Those who fulfill their legal responsibilities for recycling this brand, which is very common in Europe, in our country and want to use it in their packaging, can use the “Green Dot” brand by making a sub-license agreement with the ÇEVKO Foundation.

Nearly 1100 companies in Turkey use the Green Dot brand in the packaging of their products that they have launched, indicating that they have fulfilled their obligations related to packaging waste and provided financial contributions to the recycling system to their consumers.

Consumers care about companies using Green Dots in Turkey

The results of the research conducted by the ÇEVKO Foundation reveal that consumers in Turkey care about companies using the “Green Dot” brand. The point of sale in Istanbul in face-to-face interviews and through the internet in Turkey the results of the survey, 7 out of every 10 people % “green dot” on the sign, he knew; knew every 3 people, 1% of the products purchased in the store of the “green dot”that shows Li. According to the results of the research, it turns out that the brand adds significant value to companies.

Within the scope of the research, consumers, companies using the "Green Dot";

* Respecting the environment,

• High awareness of responsibility,

• They identified them as companies that support recycling.

The Green Dot Industry Awards aim to announce to the public the sustainable work related to the environment of the Green Dot family members, who are growing and strengthening every day in our country as well as throughout the world, of the Green Dot family members. Among the objectives of the awards Dec to reward the exemplary works that organizations participating in the award process and providing the specified criteria at the highest rate are performing beyond their legal responsibilities, as well as to encourage and encourage all companies that are in a position to launch similar works.